Prof. Dr. Edmond HAJRİZİ, Rector of University for Business and Technology, Kosovo 



Prof. Dr. Arsim GERXHALİU, Head of scientific board – Forensic Institute UBT

Prof. Dr İ. Hamit HANCI, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine, President of Forensic Scientists Association, Türkiye 

Mehmet TÜRKÖZ, Foça District Governor, Türkiye 




University for Business and Technology Kosovo 

UBT Institute of Forensic Sciences 

Turkish Forensic Scientists Association 

Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University 

Yozgat Bozok University 



Ass. Prof. Cengiz ÇESKO 

Prof.Dr. Sevinç POLAT 

Assoc. Prof. Özge HANCI 

Prof.Ass.Dr. Hyrije KORAQI  

PhD.Can Mirlinda REQİCA  



Prof.Dr. Edmond HAJRİZİ, Rector of University of Business and Technology, (UBT College), Kosovo

Prof. Dr. Saffet KÖSE, Rector of İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. İ. Hamit HANCI, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine, President of Forensic Scientists Association, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Evren YAŞAR, Rector of Yozgat Bozok University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. M. İrfan KARADEDE, İKÇÜ Faculty of Dentistry Orthodontics Department. President –Chairman of the Forensic Dentistry Commission of the Forensic Scientists Association, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Blerim KRASNIQI, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo

Prof. Dr. Arsim GERXHALIU, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo

Prof. Dr. Elmi KELMENDI, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo

Altay SUROY, Former Minister of Justice of Kosovo and Member of the Constitutional Court

Prof. Dr. Sinem Ezgi TURUNÇ ÖZOĞLU, Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of Biochemistry Department, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Yurdagül ERDEM, Kırıkkale University, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences- Forensic Scientists Association, Chairman of the Forensic Nursing Commission, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Sevinç POLAT, Yozgat Bozok University, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences- Forensic Scientists Association, Co-chairman of the Forensic Nursing Commission, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. M. Fevzi POLAT, Yozgat Bozok University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Head of Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Levent KENAR, Faculty Member of the Medical CBRN Branch of the University of Health Sciences – Head of CBRN Defense – Chairman of the CBRN Commission of the Association of Forensic Scientists

Prof. Dr. Ayşegül TAYLAN ÖZKAN, TOBB ETÜ Faculty of Medicine, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. L. Didem KOZACI, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Ercan SEYHAN- Retired Gendarmerie Colonel, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Political Science and International Relations, Gaziantep, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜROL, Erzurum Technical University, Director of Institute of Health Sciences, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge HANCI- İzmir Bar Association, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beyza KARADEDE ÜNAL, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Türkiye

Ass. Prof. Cengiz ÇESKO- Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

Ass. Prof. Hyrije KORAQI, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo

Ass. Prof. Beni KIZOLLI, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo

Ass. Prof. Emre GÜRKAN EROĞLU, , İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University,Türkiye

Ass. Prof. Berşan KARADEDE, Yalova Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Bayram Pomak, President of IDEA Association, Kosovo

Op. Dr. Hüseyin BEKİR, Greece

PhD. Can Mirlinda REQICA, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo

Dr. Dt. Müge AĞIR, S.B Tepebaşı Oral and Dental Health Center,Türkiye

Nurse Nutiye KAPAN, Foça Family Medicine, Türkiye

Dilek SUROY YILMAZ, Kosovo

Venhar CAHA, Kosovo

Fatlum DAÇAJ, University of Business and Technology Student, Kosovo

Fatjon HALİLAJ, University of Business and Technology Student, Kosovo

Teuta DURAJ, University of Business and Technology Student, Kosovo

Alba KARAVİDAJ, University of Business and Technology Student, Kosovo

Annesa TERTİNİ, University of Business and Technology Student, Kosovo



Edmond Hajrizi

UBT Founder and President of UBT

Prof.Dr. Hamit Hancı

Prof.Dr. Arsim Gërxhaliu



     09.00-09.30 am CONGRESS REGISTRATION
Prof. Dr. Arsim GERXHALIU- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

Prof. Dr. Edmond HAJRIZI- Rector for University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

   Prof. Dr. İrfan KARADEDE- İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Sevinç POLAT- Yozgat Bozok University, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ilirjan MANDRO-Rector of the Academy of Security (TBC)

Sabri TUNÇ ANGILI-Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye in Prishtina

and Other Protocol Speeches………..



                                                   CONFERENCE – Hall A
Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Muhammet Fevzi POLAT – Yozgat Bozok University, Faculty of Medicine, Head of Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Türkiye 

 Prof. Dr. Sevinç POLAT-Yozgat Bozok University, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences- Forensic Scientists Association, Co-Chairman of the Forensic Nursing Commission, Türkiye

10.30-11.00 What is this Forensic Science?

Prof. Dr. İ. Hamit HANCI – İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine, President of Forensic Scientists Association, Türkiye

11.00-11.15 COFFEE BREAK
Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Blerim KRASNIQI- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

Ass. Prof. Cengiz ÇESKO– Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

11.15-12.15   UBT Smart City as an Convergence Platform for Forensics education and research, UBT Institute of Forencics

   Prof. Dr. Edmond HAJRIZI- Rector of University for Business and Technology, Kosovo Forensic Toxicology, Kosovo

   Forensic Toxicology

  Prof. Dr. Sinem Ezgi TURUNÇ ÖZOĞLU- Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of Biochemistry Department, Türkiye

  Forensic Fragrance

Prof. Dr. L Didem KOZACI- Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Türkiye 

Post Blast Investigation

  Prof. Dr. Ercan SEYHAN- Retired Gendarmerie Colonel, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Political Science and International Relations, Gaziantep, Türkiye

12:15-13:30 LUNCH BREAK
Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Ayşegül TAYLAN ÖZKAN-TOBB-ETÜ Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Elmi KELMENDIUniversity for Business and Technology, Kosovo

13.30-14.30 Bite Mark Analysis

Prof. Dr. İrfan KARADEDE, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beyza KARADEDE ÜNAL, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Türkiye

Forensic Dentistry and Identification

Dr. Dt. Müge AĞIR- Türkiye Health Ministry, Türkiye

Possible Misidentification Applying “Classic Identification Methods”

Prof. Dr. Arsim GËRXHALIU- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

Current CBRN Threat on Balkan Countries and Proposals for an Effective Multinational Counter-Response

Prof. Dr. Levent KENAR -Faculty Member of the Medical CBRN Branch of the University of Health Sciences – Head of CBRN Defense – Chairman of the CBRN Commission of the Association of Forensic Scientists

Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Ercan SEYHAN– Retired Gendarmerie Colonel, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Political Science and International Relations, Gaziantep, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. L Didem KOZACI- Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Türkiye








Dental Age Assessment through Machine Learning Approach

Dr. Valon NUSHI- University of Lisbon, Faculty of Medicine Degree on   Specialization Cours on Forensic Odontology at University of Lisbon, Faculty of Medicine

Forensic Science in Biology

Prof. Dr. Fulya TEKŞEN – Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Türkiye 

Parasites as Biological Weapons

Prof. Dr. Ayşegül TAYLAN ÖZKAN- TOBB-ETÜ Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Türkiye

Psychological Disorders in Women Who Commit Crimes

Prof. Dr. Hatice DEMİRBAŞ- Ankara Haci Bayram University, Department of Psychology

14.30-14.45 COFFEE BREAK
Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Levent KENAR –Faculty Member of the Medical CBRN Branch of the University of Health Sciences – Head of CBRN Defense – Chairman of the CBRN Commission of the Association of Forensic Scientists

Ass. Prof. Hyrije KORAQI– University for Business and Technology, Kosovo














  Forensic Chemistry and Forensic Biochemistry

Prof. Dr. M. Fevzi POLAT-Yozgat Bozok University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Head of Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Türkiye

Forensic Science

Prof. Dr. Elmi KELMENDI- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

Sentencing “Crimmigrants” Turkish and EU Perpectives

Lawyer Selin ÖRSÇELİK, Ankara Bar Association, Türkiye 

Estimating Muzzle-to-Target Shooting Distance with 7.62X39 mm Cartridges on Target Fabrics: A Confirmation Protocol Using SEM-EDS and FTIR

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bayram YÜKSEL-Giresun University Department of Property Protection and Security, Türkiye

Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Arsim GERXHALIU- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

Dr. Hüseyin BEKİR- Greece




Investigation of the Effect of Pesticides Used in Apple Cultivation Through PPO Enzymatic Activity

Ass. Prof. Cengiz ÇESKO- Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, University for Business and Technology, Kosovo 

 Historical Process of the Special Court Established for War Crimes in Kosovo

Bayram POMAK, Kosovo 

Service Dogs Areas and Training Process

Prof. Dr. Emine Ümran ÖRSÇELİK- Kırıkkale University Faculty of Veterinary   Anatomy Department, Türkiye

An Evaluation of Web3 Concepts and Technologies and Relation with Digital Forensics

Prof. Dr. Blerim KRASNIQI- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo

15.45-16.00 COFFEE BREAK
Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Sinem Ezgi TURUNÇ ÖZOĞLU- Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of Biochemistry Department, Türkiye

Dr. Dt. Müge AĞIR– Türkiye Health Ministry, Türkiye














Forensic Nursing in Disaster Situations

Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜROL- Erzurum Technical University, Director of Institute of Health Sciences, Türkiye

Violence in the School Environment and the Role of the Nurse

Prof. Dr. Sevinç POLAT- Yozgat Bozok University, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences- Forensic Scientists Association, Co-Chairman of the Forensic Nursing Commission, Türkiye

Chemical Analysis of Addictive Substances

Büşra BESLER- Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, 2nd Grade Student, İzmir, Türkiye



May 26, 2024 SUNDAY (SECOND DAY)




Hall  A


Session Chairs Prof. Dr. İrfan KARADEDE- İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Türkiye

Ass. Prof. Beni KIZOLLI- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo






Savaşlar, Savaş Cerrahisi ve Savaşlar da Hekimin Sorumluluğu

Prof. Dr. Gürkan ERSOY- Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hastanesi Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı, İzmir, Türkiye

The Role of the Community Health Nurse in Prevention Juvenile Delinquency

Prof. Dr. Yurdagül ERDEM- Kırıkkale University, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences- Forensic Scientists Association, Chairman of the Forensic Nursing Commission, Türkiye

Forensic Interview Rooms and Child Monitoring Centers

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge HANCI- İzmir Bar Association, Türkiye

Consent in Forensic Cases

Nurse Nutiye KAPAN-İzmir, Türkiye

Session Chairs


  Prof. Dr. Fulya TEKŞEN – Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Hatice DEMİRBAŞ- Ankara Haci Bayram University, Department of Psychology









Kosovo’da Kamulaştırılmış Mülkün İadesi (Restitütasyon)

Dr. Altay SUROY

Tümörlerde, Yanlış Teşhis,Yanlış Evreleme, Aileyi Yanlış Bilgilendirme

 Dr. Hüseyin BEKİR, Greece

Afetlerde Kimliklendirmede Adli Antropologların Rolü

Tuğçe ELGÜN-Ankara, Türkiye

10.15-10.30 COFFEE BREAK
Session Chairs Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜROL– Erzurum Technical University, Director of Institute of Health Sciences, Türkiye

Ass. Prof. Hyrije KORAQI- University for Business and Technology, Kosovo




Forensic Translation

Fatma Zehra Nur POLAT

Çok Dalga Boylu Işık Kaynakları ile Parmak İzi İnceleme

Erdem KARA

Forensic Serology

Betül İŞİNER, Prof. Dr. L. Didem KOZACI

The Investigation of The Relationship Between Fingerprint Patterns and Crime Types

Fatma Ela Nur POLAT

Session Chairs


Prof. Dr. Emine Ümran ÖRSÇELİK- Kırıkkale University Faculty of Veterinary Anatomy Department, Türkiye

   Bayram POMAK- Kosovo

      10.30-11.10 Infection Risks of Autopsy Personnel

Tolga Nebi YILMAZ, Nisa KOCAMAN, Prof. Dr. Ayşegül TAYLAN ÖZKAN

Toxic Food and Beverages Offered to Children

Prof. Dr. Muhammet Fevzi POLAT, Prof. Dr. Sevinç POLAT, Ass. Prof. Ayşen CANİKLİOĞLU, Assoc. Prof. Meral EKİM, Dr. Gökhan Doğukan AKARSU

Poison and Poisoning from The Past to The Present

Rahime CİNDORUK, Deniz Eylül ŞENLİK, Prof. Dr. Ayşegül TAYLAN ÖZKAN

11.10-11.25  COFFEE BREAK
                                       CLOSING SPEECHES
11.25-12.00 *Congress Outcome Report

*Awarding Prizes to the Winning Abstracts

       *Wishes and Expectations

12.00-13.30  LUNCH BREAK




                                                  (Congress Center -UBT Campus Lipjan)

UBT – Innovation Campus Lipjan